Bar Privatisation in Cannes

Need a bar privatisation in Cannes just for you? We got the answer to your need. The 1Day1Event team runs the bar “L’Expérience”, located at 14 Rue Bivouac Napoléon, right in the city’s heart of Cannes and 1 minute walk away from the congress and festival center (“Palais des congrès et des festivals”). We will […]
Cocktails’ bar Nice Matin

They are talking about us in Nice Matin Three guys, two know-how and one company! It’s the way the nice journalist from Nice-Matin Cannes presented us in an Article released on mars 23rd 2017. Indeed, february the 24th 2017, we celebrated the opening of our brand new office in Cannes la Bocca (13 Rue Jean […]
Cannes Collection showcase

Cannes Collection showcase 2016 The concept The idea of the founders of the “Cannes Collection showcase” (Bertrand Foäche and Eric de Saintdo) was simple ; bring together in a single place (the old port of Cannes), the world’s finest, most desirable objects were all on display in this perfect setting (yachts, luxurious cars, helicopters, watches, works […]
Le Plongeoir Nice
Le Plongeoir in Nice Come and taste some of our products,! We invite you to discover the new cocktail bar located at the restaurant “Le Plongeoir” in Nice. Our barmen, Ben et Romain were pleased to serve you a classical cocktail done in the “state of the art” or a 1Day1Event creation like “Le grand […]
Cocktails creation

Cocktails creation: the Lynchburine lemonade Lynchburg is the name of the city where Jack Daniel’s opened his first distillery in 1866, our cocktail is a variation of the Lynchburg lemonade created in 1980, “twisted” with mandarin… Ingrédients – 5cl of Jack Daniel’s Honey – 2cl of fresh clémentine juice – 1cl of lime – 2 […]
Cocktails for St. Patrick

Fêtez l’Irlande avec nos cocktails pour la Saint Patrick Nos cocktails de 2016 Pour la Saint Patrick, la couleur verte est incontournable, alors voici notre “création verte” de l’année Le «Vegan style» Ingrédients : – 4cl de saké japonais – Quelques feuilles de roquette – 1cl de curaçao orange – 1cl de sirop de basilic […]
Flavors and terroirs Salon

Salon Saveurs et Terroirs du 13 au 15 novembre 2015 Notre carte des cocktails sur le salon – Le Saveur : (Gin, Amaretto, jus de citron vert, purée de poire) Cocktail création à base de poire. – Le Cosmopolitan : (Vodka, Cointreau, jus de citron vert, jus d’airelles) Cocktail typiquement destiné à une clientèle féminine, […]
Ti Punch Version Chti

Un Ti Punch aux accents flamands… le Ch’ti Punch Ce cocktail a été créé par Romain Wikart à l’occasion de la Ti Punch Cup 2015 Les Ingrédients : 5cl de Rhum Clément Blanc Agricole 50° (en acheter) Des bâtons de cannelle 1 demi citron vert Noix de Coco fraiche Vergeoise brune (en acheter) (Voir plus […]
country buffet

Country Buffet in Valdeblore for a happy bride and groom! They said “Yes” in front of Monsieur le maire of Valdeblore in a bucolic setting, emotion was present with birds singing but mainly singing guests and a solo soprano giving an Ave Maria full of finesse and elegance. Witnesses speeches made the emotion maximum […]
NJF 2015

Nice Jazz Festival 2015 Cette année, le parrain du NJF 2015 était le chanteur britannique Jamie Cullum, son clip annonçait la couleur avec une jolie vision de Nice et de ses…charmes Avant le NJF 2015, petit historique 1948 : Les origines Le premier festival de jazz au monde a vu le jour en France ! […]